Can I Use calimoto with Android Versions < 10?

As the end of the year approaches, so does the release of Android 14, which means that we're gearing up our app for use with the latest Android version. This article will fill you in on the necessary Android versions and why we're setting new ground rules about the minimum requirements.

Minimum requirements:

To fully experience the latest calimoto features on your mobile device, it has to run Android 10 or a higher version. If you're currently cruising with Android 9 or an older model, fear not – you can still access calimoto. But here's the deal: We won't be offering up any more updates, and a seamless experience can not be guaranteed.

What's up with these new requirements?

The landscape of devices and technology is more than just dynamic. Our app needs to keep pace to stay innovative and offer up a rock-solid user experience – that's what our development team is hard at work on. However, adapting the latest features to older Android versions while preserving full functionality isn't always a smooth ride.

What's next?

We understand that transitioning from an older device to a more up-to-date phone can be a decision to ponder. But to enjoy calimoto in its latest and greatest form, please consider upgrading your operating system to Android 10 or higher, or think about snagging a compatible device.

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