How do I plan a Round Trip?

iOS & Android Website

Let's plan a round trip together!

  1. Open the map and select "New Round Trip"

Choose between the following options:

  • Length (between 50-500 km for Premium Members)

  • Points of the compass

  • Starting point (current location or manually entered starting point)

  • Routing profile (winding or twisty for premium members)

  • Random tour (all settings are randomly generated)

How do I set via points? How can I adjust my round trip?

  1. Open the planned round trip in the map

  2. Select the via point you want to change, then press and hold to drag and drop.

  3. Add a completely new via point by long clicking on the desired location on the map or use the search input to find a location on the map and add it as a via point.

Please note:

Using the same long click you can also move/change the start and end points of your rides!

How can I reverse a round trip?

  1. Open the planned round trip in the map

  2. Click on the 3 dots in the menu window at the bottom right

  3. Select "Reverse Tour"

Please note:

You can save your tour in both directions individually!

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Date Votes
  • So, can I not edit a route if I'm using the website?  It's much easier to plan on a big screen rather than scrolling around on my phone. 


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