Did you purchase calimoto Premium on our website but it's not showing up on your device?
Please try out the following steps to get the Premium features unlocked and up & running on your phone:
- Check if you're logged in on your device with the same username you used to make the purchase on the website. ➡️ Website purchases are tied to the specific calimoto account! If you're not logged in with the same account, you'll need to completely reinstall the app and then log in with the correct username.
- Be patient – sometimes it takes a while for purchases to sync up with your device. In some cases, this can take up to several hours. So, give it some time and check the status again later.
- Restart the app – close the app completely in the task manager and reopen it.
- Restart your device – if the steps above don't help, a full reboot of your phone might do the trick.
You can find more info about website purchases here.
Still No Premium?
If your Premium status is still not recognized after these tips and a bit of waiting, reach out to our Support with the following details:
- your profile ID, which serves as the identification number for your subscription on PayPal. You can find this at the bottom of your PayPal order confirmation. It should look something like: "I-XXXXXXXXXXXX."
- a screenshot of your profile on the website, clearly showing your username and details of your website purchase.
- a screenshot of the profile tab from the app, clearly showing your username and the Premium status below.
Quick Trick:
Are you signed in on your iOS device with the same Apple ID you used to make the purchase?
➡️ Your purchase is tied to your Apple ID and can't be transferred to another Apple ID or Android device!
Check if your purchase is listed under "Subscriptions" on your iOS device:
Open your device Settings and tap on your profile picture/name.
Tap "Subscriptions."
If calimoto is not listed here, you're signed in with the wrong Apple ID. Find out which Apple ID you used to make the purchase and log in with this Apple ID on your device.
If calimoto is listed here, open the calimoto app:
Go to Profile > Settings > Restore Purchases.
Close the calimoto app twice (even in the background) and open it again.
If that doesn't work: Completely uninstall the app and reinstall it.
Repeat the first 2 steps if necessary.
Your Premium status is still not recognized?
In this case, please contact our Support directly. Don't forget to give us as many details about your problem as possible, including your purchase confirmation and screenshots from your "Subscriptions."
Quick Trick:
Are you signed in on your Android device with the same Google account you used to make the purchase?
➡️ Your purchase is tied to this Google account and can't be transferred to another Google account or iOS device!
Check if your purchase is listed on your Android device:
Open your device Settings > Google > Manage your Google Account.
Tap "Payments & Subscriptions."
If calimoto is not listed here, you're signed in with the wrong Google account. Find out which Google account you used to make the purchase and log in with this Google account on your device.
If calimoto is listed here, open the calimoto app:
Go to Profile > Settings > Restore Purchases.
Close the calimoto app twice (even in the background) and open it again.
If that doesn't work: Completely uninstall the app and reinstall it.
Repeat the first 2 steps if necessary.
Your Premium status is still not recognized?
In this case, please contact our Support directly. Don't forget to give us as many details about your problem as possible, including your purchase confirmation, your GPA number, and screenshots from your "Payments & Subscriptions."
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