calimoto Legend – What Our Map Symbols Mean

Our motorcycle map is one-of-a-kind and packed with information for you!

  • Winding roads are highlighted with a red border.
  • Off-road routes are marked with light brown background.
  • Highways/Motorways are displayed in light red.
  • Major roads are shown in orange.
  • Country roads are highlighted in yellow.
  • Other roads are marked in white.
  • Your completed routes are displayed in blue (more details in this article).

Use the search bar to find interesting locations on the map. Click in the bar to explore biker meetups, restaurants, mountain passes, twisty highlights, filling stations, biker-friendly hotels, campsites, and sights in your area.

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Date Votes
  • The colours you use for the different types of roads aren’t well chosen, as the picture they give on the map is unintuitive and takes away focus from the road in front of us.

    Map colours are much more than just preference.

    It would make sense to colour road types by interesting-ness. Think of a heat map.

    E.g.: If twisties are red, then long, straight (imo boring) freeways/motorways/autobahn should be in a colour that is far away from them, like blue, and intermittent stages of boringness closer to blue, more interesting closer to red.

    An image of a thermal camera is quickly understood, because they use this principle. One using the underlying idea of your colours would not be.

    A map thus coloured is intuitive to understand and much(!) more usable than the current colour scheme.

  • Hey @richard.wonka - first off, please accept our apologies for the very delayed reply. We've been working through our backlog and are committed to keeping up-to-date on these comments in the future.

    Thank you for your thoughtful feedback regarding the colour scheme on our maps. Your idea of using a heat map-style colouring to represent the "interesting-ness" of roads is quite interesting and certainly something worth considering. I'll be sure to pass this suggestion on to our development team for review.

    We really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Your input helps us continue to improve calimoto for everyone.


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