How Do I Download Offline Maps?

Please note:

Offline maps are only available with a calimoto Premium subscription!

  1. Open your "Profile."
  2. Go to "Settings."
  3. Tap "Offline Maps" (Android) / "Download Offline Maps now" (iOS) to download new offline maps.
  4. Toggle the "Use offline maps" slider to enable/disable offline maps.

In the settings, you can also see how many offline maps you’ve downloaded and how much space they take up. Since offline maps can be large, we recommend downloading only the ones you need for your upcoming trip.

If possible: Save your offline maps to your device's internal memory.

If you're having problems downloading offline maps, check out this article.

To delete an offline map, tab the trash bin icon next to the download.

➡️ Some countries are grouped together in one collective offline map. Find more information about those here.


We recommend using offline maps only when you have no access to mobile data, as online maps provide a more seamless riding experience. 😉

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