My Voice Prompts Sound Strange

Android iOS

Do your voice prompts sound odd — too slow, too fast, too deep, too high, or like Mickey Mouse?

Try these steps:

  1. Open the audio settings: Go to "Profile" > "Settings" > "Audio."
  2. Select an audio output: You can choose between "Music," "Phone," or "Phone (HFP)."
  3. Go to your Android settings.
  4. Navigate to "Speech & Input" and find the TTS settings "Text-To-Speech."
  5. Download the latest language pack for your preferred language.
  6. You can also adjust the speed and pitch of the announcement in the TTS settings.
  7. Restart the app and test the voice prompts again.

For Samsung users:

If the steps mentioned above don't help, you can also try the following:

  1. Go to "General Management" > "Text-to-Speech."
  2. Switch the "Preferred Engine" between the two options ("Google Text-to-Speech" and "Samsung Text-to-Speech Engine").
  3. Check if one of these options resolves the issue.

Please note:

Voice prompt issues can be hard for us to reproduce, as various factors like different devices or headsets can affect the outcome. So if you still want to contact our Support, please describe the problem, your devices, software, and settings as thoroughly as possible. 🙏

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