How to Set, Move, Remove, or Skip a Via Point

iOS Android Website
Set a via point:
  1. Open the map.
  2. Zoom in to your desired location.
  3. Long tap on the location to open the menu.
  4. Tap on "+ Add."
  5. Then select "Set as via point."


  1. Open the map.
  2. Enter the location in the search bar at the top.
  3. Select the desired search result.
  4. Tap "+ Add."
  5. Then choose "Set as via point."


  1. Long tap on the desired via point.
  2. Drag & drop the via point on the map to move it.


  1. Pull up the planning window on the map to see all set points.
  2. Select the via point from the list and tap the address.
  3. Then enter the new address or location to which you want to move the via point.


  1. Tap on the specific via point on the map.
  2. Tap the trash can icon in the menu to delete the via point immediately.


  1. Pull up the planning window on the map to see all set points.
  2. Select the via point from the list and tap the three dots next to it.
  3. Then select "Remove via point."


This is how you can set, move, or remove via points fort both new and saved rides – making it easy to adjust your route as you go!

Skip a via point:

  1. During navigation, open the ride options (3 bars in the bottom left).
  2. Select "Skip next via point"
  3. Confirm with "Yes."
  4. Your ride will be recalculated automatically.
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Date Votes
  • Hi. Can I change plan between via points from twisty to fast for that section to avoid unnecessary deviation from preferred route Danny

  • Hey @Dannylunn - Sorry for the delayed response. We're taking advantage of the rainy days to work on our backlog!
    Absolutely! You can change the routing profile between via points. On the website, just click the red curve symbol between each via point and choose a different profile. In the app, the curve symbol is blue—tap that, and you’ll see the other options. Let us know if you need any more tips! 😊


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